Campbell Ag Service

Pioneer Sales Representative

We help our customers plan for the future and maximize the productivity and profitability of every field. Each year brings new opportunities, and we know how to find and activate them for you. We’re focused on your farm’s success, start to finish.

Growing forward with you

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Industry-Leading Pioneer® Brand Products

There’s a reason Pioneer has been around for more than 90 years. Every single year, they renew their focus on developing the best corn and soybean traits and technologies that address the evolving challenges of your region. When you won’t settle for less than the best yield potential and agronomics across a range of maturities – you choose Pioneer® brand products.


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Working with Campbell Ag Service, you have direct access to the latest agronomy information and industry insights to help you grow your profits and know-how.

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We Value Our Customers

Our business was built around these core values – to help our customers succeed.

Improving Your Bottom Line is Our Focus

We are always thinking about your farm’s success, from start to finish. When we help to improve your bottom line, we win.

Building Partnerships Creates Success

You know your farms. We know the products and placement. Together, we partner to maximize revenue and minimize risk.

Customers Always Come First

We believe in old-fashioned customer service. Treating our customers with respect and being there when you need us.

Maximizing Yields by Providing the Services You Need

Raising better crops goes beyond selling the best seed. That’s why we have invested in a variety of services to help maximize your return on every acre, every year.

You know your farm. And we know how to work with you to leverage the industry’s most innovative products and services. We will customize individual solutions that meet your farm’s needs and challenges; from financing and Pioneer’s detailed on-the-farm data to the latest mapping techniques. We’ll even work with you to analyze your equipment and labor to ensure your operation is as efficient and effective as possible.


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"Campbell Ag Service is a top-of-the-line operation with outstanding customer service and extensive knowledge that exceeds industry standards. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a professional and dependable seed supplier."

– Mitchell Geswein
Geswein Farms, West Point, Indiana

"Campbell Ag Service is an important member of our farming operation. We know we are getting a quality product at a fair price with customer service that is second to none. Bob helps us with hybrid selection and placement so we have the confidence to know we are getting the most out of every acre."

– Zach Cain
Cains Homelike Farms, Darlington, Indiana

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Let's Start Finding Ways To Improve Your Bottom Line

We’re ready to talk about how we can help.